Relocating to NZ

We support our candidates through the entire process

Ready to start living your best life?

Here at Joram we are the trusted recruitment partner for automotive professionals looking to immigrate to NZ. We have strong partnerships with some of the best franchise dealerships in the country and are engaged to recruit some of the most sought after positions.

If you are a skilled automotive professional and are interested in immigrating to NZ, we can ensure a smooth transition to this beautiful country that offers fantastic job prospects, excellent healthcare, education and a very high standard of living. 

Aoteatora - The land of plenty

The people

New Zealanders are open minded and welcoming to people of all countries and cultures. They are generally down-to-earth and inherently positive in nature. The main languages spoken here are English and Maori, the native tongue of Aotearoa. Life in New Zealand is relaxed and well balanced. It’s a land of cities, beaches, mountains and lakes – the most beautiful scenery you’ve ever seen so Kiwis are very proud of their beautiful country. They like to keep it unspoiled and clean and with a low population you’ll have plenty of room to b-r-e-a-t-h-e.

The climate

New Zealand’s climates are very mild. The highest temperatures are usually found in the northern, eastern and interior parts of the country. The winter temperatures in NZ are also mild compared to other countries of a similar latitude . This allows for healthy outdoor exercise and activities most of the year round. The coldest areas of NZ in winter are in the lower section of the South Island.

The geography

New Zealand is separated into 2 main islands, the North island and the South island. The North island is the more densely populated of the two islands, it holds the largest city of Auckland, and the capital city, Wellington. There are lots of other smaller cities in between. 

The South island is considerably colder less populated, however it does feature staggering mountain ranges, fiordlands and a plethora of native bush. Christchurch is the biggest city in the south island.

Education and healthcare

In New Zealand education is compulsory for every child from ages 6 to 16 and the schooling is divided into 3 stages, primary, intermediate and secondary. All 8 universities in NZ are ranked in the top 3% in the world. As for healthcare, in NZ it is free for all children under the age of 13 and the ACC (Accidental Compensation Corporation) provides financial compensation for most injuries at work and at other events. The healthcare in NZ is known to be one of the best in the world.

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